The Church of the Warm Heart
Our Mission Statement
"We unconditionally invite everyone to join and experience the spiritual journey
of God's Love through discipleship, servanthood and worship."
Our Church was founded February 17, 1901 with 56 members as Southside Methodist Episcopal Church, South. We combined with several other churches and changed our name to Central Terrace Methodist Church in 1923. The Church moved into a brick building at its present location in 1925. The Church continued to grow & prosper
and in 1958, the Educational Building was added ...
We became Central Terrace United Methodist Church in 1968.
We continue to serve and reach out to the community in many ways.
We participate in delivering Meals on Wheels, support Forest
Park Elementary School by providing school supplies, Neighbor Helping Neighbor, and providing medical equipment for those in need. We also support clothing ministries.
We also have many fun activities such as Chicken Pie sales,
Barbeque Suppers, Spaghetti Suppers, Vacation Bible School, Yard Sales, and Cook-outs.
For many years Central Terrace has been known for an excellent music program which is highlighted by a wonderful pipe organ, a Kawai piano, a two octive set of Schulmerick
Hand Bells and a set of 25 Malmark Hand Chimes.
Central Terrace's influence and the circumstances of the membership directly related to the local community may have changed over the years, but some things remain the same.
On Sunday mornings the Church bell still rings loudly and Service always starts at 11am ! We still serve up some good 'ole Barbeque, and we still serve our community and we will always greet you with an outstretched hand and a warm smile. On Sunday mornings, our Pastor delivers a great message, and that message hasn't changed ...
We still carry on the missions and teachings of Jesus Christ ...
and the tradition of being known as :
Central Terrace UMC © 2020